Using Gradescope

Gradescope is an elegant online-grading web-application that Hofstra subscribes to. I use it for grading some assignments and all quizzes and tests for this course because it has at least these virtues:

  1. I can grade without knowing whose work I’m grading, which helps make sure I’m not bringing in unconscious biases.
  2. It’s easy for you to see how I’ve graded your work. In some cases I can include short explanations.
  3. Some assignments can even be automatically graded.
  4. It makes collecting and returning your graded work efficient.
  5. I can grade question by question instead of test by test, by grading everyone’s Question 1 and then everyone’s Question 2, and so forth.
  6. Other neat features.

You can access Gradescope through Canvas. On the menu bar on the left side, you should see “Gradescope.” If you click through, you should be able to see a list of active assignments. Gradescope will already know who you are because you are logged into Canvas.

Here are some instructions for “Using Gradescope with Canvas as a Student”.

I have used Gradescope for a couple semesters, but I am still getting to know it. Though it’s overall very straightforward, I cannot see what the access-experience looks like for students. So, if there’s anything you find confusing or not obvious, please let me know what that is so I can include some instructions for others here. Thanks!